what most people are curious about…really
There is always a developing process in creative works both analog and digital. The goal is to create a great product, and not necessarily to replicate reality. At the same time keeping it as real as the concept allows. All works are created from the ground up, so “as real” as what you’d normally find on similar platforms and prestigious galleries worldwide.
For now, shipment is to Norway. Reach out if you’d be interested in ordering from other countries.
Part of the concept is to reduce mess and quantity, and focus more on simplicity and quality. However, some existing content is not published yet, and some is in the making. Stay tuned.
All work are custom made from Darner, unless there is a featuring product or a collaboration.
Most of the value is visual content, often exclusive for its context. So watermark is part of preventing unsolicited use.
Professional equipment and software are used throughout the process for illustrations, post production and photographs, which are originally processed from a full frame censor for better results. The prints are processed with industry leading printers.
The goal is to simplify and create premium work and take measures beyond what is considered normal. This may not be as effective for famous recognition compared to more controversial approaches like posting on social media every day. Discover your favorites without endless scrolling and cryptic concepts.
This site represents work from and by Darner, and has created customized design, photography, image editing and artwork professionally since 2006.
The work mostly has a small logo imprint which may vary in placement, color and style.
Not numbered but has a periodic limitation. After a certain period, “out of stock” products normally become available again, with a new periodic limitation. Products may sometimes be removed or replaced.
No. And there is no downloaded content of graphics for sale from 3rd party stock sites.